Steampunk groups in the Bay Area
San Francisco Steampunks on Facebook
Events, special group outings and links to San Franciso-centric events.
General page
Group Page
The Bay Area Steampunk Federation
Often have events in San Francisco, though mainly have gathering outside the city. Definitely the place to go for Bay Area Steampunks.
The largest active open-membership steampunk group in the Bay Area. Founded and made up of a diverse group of individuals ranging from Artisans to Engineers, they strive to embrace diversity and celebrate a mutal love of the genre.
Port of St. Francis Cryptozooligical Society: "Founded to study and preserve those species and cultures which lie outside the mundane."
We also have a Facebook page so you can keep abreast on events and goings on.
Events, special group outings and links to San Franciso-centric events.
General page
Group Page
The Bay Area Steampunk Federation
Often have events in San Francisco, though mainly have gathering outside the city. Definitely the place to go for Bay Area Steampunks.
The largest active open-membership steampunk group in the Bay Area. Founded and made up of a diverse group of individuals ranging from Artisans to Engineers, they strive to embrace diversity and celebrate a mutal love of the genre.
Port of St. Francis Cryptozooligical Society: "Founded to study and preserve those species and cultures which lie outside the mundane."
We also have a Facebook page so you can keep abreast on events and goings on.
Non Steampunk, but Historic Local Clubs and Organizations
The Emperor's Bridge Campaign
Organizing the people's movement to name the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge for Emperor Norton
Experts talk about odd subjects. Odd talks on everything else. Twice monthly at the DNA lounge.
Western Neighborhoods Project

The Western Neighborhoods Project is a nonprofit organization formed in 1999 to preserve and share the history and culture of the neighborhoods in western San Francisco.
Our mission is to record your personal memory, copy your photographs, and help unearth the story of your local business, school, club or place of worship. LINK
Our mission is to record your personal memory, copy your photographs, and help unearth the story of your local business, school, club or place of worship. LINK
Hyde Street Living History Players
We are an association of volunteers who function as historically costumed docents for SFMNHP to engage and educate visitors to the Park. Our intent is to act in first person as historical fictional characters, fulfilling roles unique to the year 1901, within the context of maritime environments as available on the historic ships belonging to the park. LINK |
Vintage Baseball
1880 rules Baseball played in Golden Gate Park during the summer. LINK
The Art Deco Society of California

The Art Deco Society of California (ADSC) was founded in 1981 by architectural historian Michael Crowe and other preservationists in the San Francisco Bay Area. We are a not-for-profit [501(c)3] membership organization. Our goals are to increase public awareness of the Art Deco era through preservation and promotion of its art, architecture, music, design, and other forms of popular culture. LINK
Children of Sutro

Mystery, Adventure & Wonder! Restoring the dream of an imaginative genius, Remembering the ideal of a city bathed in the sound of crashing waves. LINK
artistic license-a guild of artisans

Artistic License is a group of skilled professional artisans dedicated to historic architectural restoration and newly-interpreted period design. Working in the tradition of historic artisan guilds, Artistic License members provide a wide range of services and products from architectural design and building restoration to period furnishings and fine finishes. LINK
The Victorian Alliance of San Francisco

The Victorian Alliance is a not-for-profit organization committed to the preservation and restoration of Victorian and other historic structures, particularly within the city of San Francisco. LINK
The San Francisco Area Post Card Club

The mission of our club is to foster and promote postcard collecting in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and the World. LINK
The Shire of Cloondara

The Shire of Cloondara is the San Francisco Branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The SCA is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to preserving and recreating the arts, sciences, skills and cultures of the Middle Ages. Formed over four decades ago, the SCA currently has over 35,000 dues paying members and another 100,000 non-member participants in branches in the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia.
While we research and study the environment and cultures of the Medieval period, members recreate the Middle Ages "as they should have been," without the prejudice, disease, discrimination and persecution that was so prevalent. Some members choose to study the martial arts of the Middle Ages, becoming expert in the use of sword and shield. Many others study the gentler arts and are brewers, cooks, calligraphers, dancers, musicians, costumers and artisans in a number of media. We all learn by doing and we all share a passionate interest in the Middle Ages. LINK
While we research and study the environment and cultures of the Medieval period, members recreate the Middle Ages "as they should have been," without the prejudice, disease, discrimination and persecution that was so prevalent. Some members choose to study the martial arts of the Middle Ages, becoming expert in the use of sword and shield. Many others study the gentler arts and are brewers, cooks, calligraphers, dancers, musicians, costumers and artisans in a number of media. We all learn by doing and we all share a passionate interest in the Middle Ages. LINK
Period Events and Entertainments Re-Creation Society (PEERS)

The main activities of PEERS have traditionally centered around our historical and literary re-creation events. These have covered a wide number of historical periods and have included such diverse events as a Canterbury Tales Feast & Ball, a recreation of Lord Capulet's Ball from Romeo and Juliet, an outdoor Restoration Fete and Ball, an 18th-Century Scarlet Pimpernel Ball, a Mostly Mozart Ball set in the Amadeus universe, a Jane Austen Tea, Fete and Assembly, a Phantom of the Opera Masquerade Ball, a Sherlock Holmes Mystery Party and Ball, an Edwardian Music Hall, a bi-lingual Moulin Rouge Ball, a Tango Tea, a 1920's Speakeasy, a 1930's Mystery Party, a 1941 Evening in Casablanca, a Film Noir Black & White Ball, a variety of Victorian Balls and our famous annual Le Bal des Vampires, a recreation of a 19th century French costume ball. We can also often be found relaxing from the rigors of running events by enjoying ourselves at historic events run by other groups (We refer to this as "assisting" them). LINK
The Greater Bay Area Costume Guild
Founded in 1990, the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild (GBACG) is an educational and social group, promoting all aspects of costume and textile arts: historical, science fiction, vintage, fantasy, and other genres. We offer yearly memberships in our group that entitles members to discounts on many of our events and workshops. We welcome all levels of experience, especially the non-sewer or novice!
The Guild organizes a number of activities year round, in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, all of which are open to members and the general public. In addition, we participate in events with other organizations such as the Art Deco Society of California, the Bay Area English Regency Society, the DeYoung Museum of Fine Arts, and the San Francisco Victorian Alliance.
The Guild organizes a number of activities year round, in and around the San Francisco Bay Area, all of which are open to members and the general public. In addition, we participate in events with other organizations such as the Art Deco Society of California, the Bay Area English Regency Society, the DeYoung Museum of Fine Arts, and the San Francisco Victorian Alliance.